Project Democratic Ownership and Civic Participation in Europe - DOCPIE is part of the program Europe for Citizens, and is Co-founded by the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union.
Project will be implemented from 30. January. 2015 – 30. October. 2015, decision No. 2014-2796/001-001


EACEA official event report:



The project « Democratic Ownership and Civic Participation in Europe" – DOCPIE,
was funded with the support of the European Union 
under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"


Applicable to the Strand 2 Democratic engagement and civic participation
– Measure 2.3 "Civil Society Projects"
5 events have been carried out within this project:

Event No. 1: Kick off meeting (preparatory activity)

Participation: The event involved 19 citizens from 11 countries, including:
1 participant from the city of Dresden, Germany
2 participants from the town of Gmina Radomysl nad Sanem, Poland 
1 participant from the town of Kriva Palanka, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia
2 participants from the town of Kopačevo, Croatia 
2 participants from the town of Kolonda, Slovakia 
1 participant from the town of Bačka Topola, Serbia 
1 participant from the city of Serres, Greece 
4 participants from the city of Kistarcsa, Hungary 
3 participants from the town of Šmartno pri Litiji, Slovenia 
1 participant from the city of Verona, Italia 
1 participant from the town of Turia, Romania 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Kistarcsa, Hungary, from 6/2/2015 to 7/2/2015

Short description: 
Kick off meeting was in the frame of preparatory activities. It served for developing professional relationships between partner organizations, operate in different parts of Europe. Within the framework of the preparatory activities the methodology for the implementation of the project was development. This kind of collaborative network was is important to sustain and scale up the long-term impact of the project. 
The participants discussed according to the agenda, the overview of the project, the detailed presentation of activities and the break-down of responsibilities per partner, the financial conditions and the communication strategy. They determine key elements of the project, set up standards for facilitating the meetings/events, organize data collection for survey and elaborate expected follow up. 
Project partners identified the communities to work with during the project, they were crafting action plans, including the setup of timelines for key milestones and implementation details that will frame and guide the next 10 months of activity. 
Partners set up standards for facilitating the meetings, organize data collection and elaborate expected follow up. Partners set up a Steering Committee and a Professional Research team.

Event No. 2: Volunteer academy 

Participation: The event involved 250 citizens from 24 countries, including:
193 participants from the city of Dresden, Germany
3 participants from the city of Berlin, German
3 participants from the city of Serres, Greece
8 participants from the town of Šmartno pri Litiji, Ljubljana, Litija, Slovenia
2 participants from the town of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
2 participants from the town of Breznički Hum, Croatia
1 participant from the town of Kistarcsa, Hungary
1 participant from the town of Kriva Palanka, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia
3 participant from Brazil
7 participants from India
2 participants from the city of Sofia, Bulgaria
1 participant from the town of Backa Topola, Serbia
2 participants from Italy
2 participants from the city of Warsaw, Poland
1 participant from the city of Brescia, Italy
1 participant from the city of Catania, Italy
1 participant from the city of Nantes, France
2 participants from the city of Belarus
1 participant from Albania
1 participant from Vietnam
1 participant from China
3 participants from Kazakhstan
1 participant from Russia
1 participant from Denmark
1 participant from Spain
1 participant from Lebanon
1 participant from Mexico
2 participants from Serbia
1 participant from the city of Białystok, Poland
1 participant from Czech Republic

Location / Dates: The event took place in Dresden, Germany, from 8/5/2015 to 10/5/2015

Short description: 
Throughout the two days of the event, the participants attended workshops, round tables and presentations on volunteering and civic participation on an EU level, and were also presented with informative material from Europe Direct and from several youth and voluntary NGOs from Germany. There was an information desk called KIOSK EUROPE which included a stand with easy & targeted access to information about the EU featuring publications such as "Guide to EU Institutions", "Europe for You, for Your Rights", etc., infographics about European institutions. Moreover, there were discussions featuring questions on the general objectives, specific aims and annual priorities of the Europe for Citizens Programme, such as: how to encourage democratic & civic participation of citizens at EU level; what needs to be done at local, regional and national level to develop citizens' understanding of the EU policy making process; what are the tools to promote opportunities for societal & intercultural engagement at EU level; and how to boost volunteering.
On international Fair “NEXT STEP”, whose topic was about volunteering, youth participation and civic engagement in Europe, different organizations were having their stands and providing information to all the attendants of the event. 
In addition, there was a presentation and round-table discussion on a Europe for Citizens project – Strand 1: Remembrance with the title Bridging Generations which involves young people
During the International Fair NEXT STEP questionnaires regarding the survey on European identity and the EU citizenship, which is an initiative of the DOCPIE project, were distributed to local people where mostly young people showed great motivation to fill them out. The last day all international partners analysed and discussed each question of the survey and several modifications were made.
Additionally, an exhibition with the title The ties of Friendship took place in Deutsches Hygienes Museum in Dresden where the international participants had the opportunity to see and observe art works which promote friendship and understanding.

Event No. 3: Promotion of EU regions 

Participation: The event involved 183 citizens from 13 countries, including:
155 participants from the city of Serres, Greece
1 participant from the city of Athens, Greece
4 participants from the city of Thessaloniki, Greece
8 participants from the town of Šmartno pri Litiji, Litija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 participants from the town of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
2 participants from the town of Breznički Hum, Croatia
1 participant from the town of Kistarcsa, Hungary
1 participant from the town of Kriva Palanka, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia
1 participant from the city of Madrid, Spain
1 participant from the city of Guadix, Spain
1 participant from the city of Dresden, Germany
1 participant from the city of Köln, Germany
1 participant from the town of Backa Topola, Serbia
1 participant from the city of Ecully, France
1 participant from the city of Washaw, Poland
1 participant from the city of Brescia, Italy
1 participant from the city of Tallinn, Estonia

Location / Dates: The event took place in Serres, Greece from 30/6/2015 to 1/7/2015.

Short description: 
Throughout the two days of the event, the participants were attended workshops, round tables and presentations on regional development and civic participation on an EU level, and were also presented with informative material from Europe Direct and the National Contact Point for Europe for Citizens. 16 speakers from various sectors, including Higher Education, Ministries, Municipalities, Europe Direct, NGOs and Managing Authorities of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes presented a multi-disciplinary overview of the topics discussed.
The event was expected to create an important added value in the hosting city of Serres, as the hosting partners are already discussing ways of mainstreaming the event’s results in local activities and interregional networks of cooperation.
During two days event participants were explored following question under the topic Development of regions and cities through civic participation in the framework of the European Union: 
How can cities and regions of the European Union develop networks of cooperation?
How can citizens be actively involved in the development of their cities?
How do EU institutions work and what is European citizenship?
What role does volunteering play in city development?

Event No. 4: Civil society open university 

Participation: The event involved 120 citizens from 13 countries, including:
102 participants from Slovenia: 33 from the city of Ljubljana , 26 from the town of Šmartno pri Litiji, 11 from the town of Litija, 5 from the town of Kamnik, 3 from the town of Medvode, 3 from the town of Škofja Loka, 3 from the town of Novo mesto, 2 from the town of Ajdovščina, 2 from the town of Sežana, 2 from the town of Grosuplje, 2 from the town of Logatec, 1 from the town of Nova Gorica, 1 from the town of Preserje, 1 from the town of Velenje, 1 from the town of Koper, 1 from the town of Golnik, 1 from the town of Senovo, 1 from the town of Kranj, 1 from the town of Dragomer, 1 from the town of Šmarje-Sap, 1 from the town of Laško, Slovenia
6 participants from the town of Breznički Hum, Croatia
1 participant from the town of Kistarcsa, Hungary
1 participant from the town of Kriva Palanka, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia
1 participant from the city of Tiran, Albania 
1 participant from the city of Timisoara, Romania 
1 participant from the town of Rychnoc, Cheech republic 
1 participant from Komarno, Slovakia
1 participant from the city of Waesaw, Poland 
1 participant from the town of Backa Topola, Serbia
2 participants from the city of Serres, Greece
1 participant from the city of Brescia, Italy
1 participant from the city of Sofia, Bulgaria 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Ljubljana, Šmartno pri Litiji, Slovenia on 24/9 2015 

Short description: 
The event hold on four activities: international conference, gathering public opinions and promotion of the rights of citizens on NGO’s fair LUPA, workshop training for applications on calls for Europe for Citizens program and intercultural evening.
On International conference in the framework of event “CIVIL SOCIETY OPEN UNIVERSITY” the participants were aware of possibilities of democratic participation and they search for effective methods and tools to promote citizen involvement in decision-making processes at the level of the European Union. The organizer of the conference was exposed problem-solving aspect of democratic ownership and civic participation in Europe. On workshop participants were testing methodology for facilitating a civic dialogue and discussing about current European topics. Migrations were in the centre of reflections for future Europe.
On workshop training, participants have learned about possibilities of financing projects within the framework of the Europe for Citizens. Participants had learned several methods which they could use for promoting citizens democratic participation, preparation of projects with innovative methods and approaches for building international partnerships.
On promotional events of DOCPIE at the LUPA fair the participants were encouraged to be aware of the rights, which they have as members of the EU. On the stage, young people debated about the introduction of mandatory quotas of young people in parliament - for and against.
On intercultural evening participants were exposed to each other's tradition to highlight the richness of cultural and linguistic environment in Europe.

Event No. 5: Raising EU identity awareness in 3rd age citizens

Participation: The event involved 229 citizens from 14 countries 
167 participants from Italy: 147 from the cities of Brescia, 2 from the town of Cremona, 1 from the town of Manerbio, 2 from the city of Verona, 1 from the city of Udine, 1 from the city of Mantova, 1 from the town of Capriolo, 1 from the town of Legnano, 1 from the town of Chiari, 1 from the town of Orzinuovi, 1 from the town of Romano, 1 from the town of Sarnico, 1 from the town of Castelli Calepie, 6 form the city of Bergamo, 
43 participants from Slovenia: 30 participants from the town of Smartno pri Litiji, 11 from the town of Litija, 1 from the city of Ljubljana, 1 from the town of Izlake, Slovenia 
1 participant from the city of Sofia, Bulgaria
4 participants from the city of Breznicki Hum, Croatia
3 participants from the city of Las Palmas, Spain
1 participant from the town of Bačka Topola, Serbia
1 participant from the city of Serres, Greece
2 participants from the town of Kistarcsa, Hungary
2 participants from the city of Tyrant, Albania
1 participant from the town of Kriva Palanka, FYROM
1 participant from the city of Costanta, Romania
1 participant from the city Komarno, Slovakia
1 participant form the city of Dresden, Germany
1 participant from the city of Warsaw, Poland 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Brescia, Italy, on 8/10 - 10/10 2015.

Short description: The event – international workshop deepens the themes that most characterize the well-being of the elderly, in its three dimensions (physical, mental and social) with the focus on the person as a unique individual (HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE). Furthermore the themes of PLANNING AND QUALITY OF LIFE INSIDE THE CITY and PARTICIPATION AND WELFARE were tackled. For the first one study on improvement of the usability and the accessibility of urban centres and service, with particular attention to vulnerable users and elderly were presented. For the second theme speakers highlighted the role of associations for the participation of active elders and the importance of urban policies for social inclusion. Active participation of people in 3rd age was exposed as a basic function of healthy individual, that why the EU investments in health is the most important. Participants discussed about European opportunities, defined in the Year of Aging 2012. With the guided tour in archaeological museum in Brescia, participants got familiar with ancients European history.
Workshop on last working day was focused on development of intergenerational event.
The last event hosted final project partner meeting as well, with evaluation and development of the follow-up project ideas.


VISIBILITY list of media releases 1
VISIBILITY list of media releases 2


Europe for Citizens Programme adopted for the period 2014-2020 is an important instrument aimed at getting the Union’s 500 million inhabitants to play a greater part in the development of the Union. By funding schemes and activities in which citizens can participate, the Programme is promoting Europe’s shared history and values, and fostering a sense of ownership for how the Union develops.

General features of the Europe for Citizens Programme are:

  • Equal access
  • Trans nationality and local dimension
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Volunteering - expression of active European citizenship

The Programme is implemented through two Strands
Strand 1: European remembrance: Raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values and the Union's aim.
Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation: Encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level.

 Project DOCPIE falls under Strand 2. Measures in this strand are:

  • Town Twinning
  • Networks of Towns
  • Civil Society Projects


DOCPIE brings together a diverse audience of 13 countries who will debate, work and be given the necessary information in order to dream the Union’s future. The main objective of DOCPIE is to increase the level of awareness on European citizenship and European identity, on the necessity of democratic participation in European electoral procedures and on the need for development of networks and cooperative strategies in order to strengthen the Union’s inclusive character.
In order to achieve its goals, DOCPIE focuses on the improvement of mutual cultural understanding and intercultural dialogue, through the exploration of the notions of European identity, European History, European Modern Democracy as well as the qualities of active citizenship in an inclusive society.
According to a recent study by the Jacques Delors Institute, the European Elections turnout rate has dropped by 19 points in 30 years. Such drop in turnout rates can be explained by both exogenous and endogenous causes, and is perceived to indicate a “civic deficit” on part of institutions and citizens towards the Union. This lack of civic bonding among the citizens and towards EU is a growing trend which has been invigorated by the financial crisis and is currently embodied in the increasing mistrust for EU policies, strategies and actions.The proposed project focuses on the low public interest on EU politics and democratic procedures by addressing the separate elements necessary for democratic participation: more education on EU, enhancement of active citizenship, nurture of the notion of European identity and creation of inclusive and cooperative societies.
In an effort to research the reasons of election abstention and lack of interest for European politics, DOCPIE investigates the perceived role of European citizenship and European identity in the lives of groups with different backgrounds. Varying from students to senior citizens, the participants are invited to exchange their views and express their dreams and hopes for the future of Europe. Most importantly, they are invited to feel ownership for shaping of Europe's future. 

Read more  


Project DOCPIE includes five main activities: 

1. Preparatory acitivities: KICK-OFF MEETING
HOST: P3, Kistarcsa Város Önkormányzata.
VENUE: Kistarcsa, Hungary
DATE: February, 6-7, 2015

HOST: P7, Jugend-& Kulturproject E.V.
VENUE: Dresden, Germany
DATE: May 8-10, 2015

HOST: P10, Municipality of Serres & P9, Club UNESCO Serres
VENUE: Serres, Greece
DATE: June 30-July 2nd,2015 

HOST: P1, Društvo za razvoj podeželja LAZ
VENUE: Ljubljana, Šmartno pri Litiji, Slovenia
DATE: September 24, 2015

5. Event no 4: RAISING EU IDNETITY AWARENESS IN 3RD AGE CITIZENS (Final Meeting & Evaluation)
HOST: P12, City of Brescia
VENUE: Brescia, Italy
DATE October 8-10, 2015

Events on movie - here.