Check out the latest article about the project DOCPIE, which was published in Serraiko Tharros newspaper and prepared by the municipality of Serres. HERE you can find the article.

Interesting video abut Event No. 2: Volunteer academy which was held in Dresden, Germany form May 8-10 2015. On Next step fair which was organized by German partner, the youth were familiarized with the volunteering opportunities in Germany, Europe and all over the worldwide. HERE you can find the video. 


Nice article about a successful implementation of DOCPIE event in Brescia, Italy, which was published by the bulgarian Mibile training center POSITIVE 356.

Interesting and informative article from association LAZ, that was published in local newspaper Občan. The article talks about project DOCPIE and conclusions to which we came up during the implementation.  

Article about event in Brescia, which was published on polish partner official website. 


Nice article that was published on coratioan web portal Varaždinjske vjesti, about event in Brescia. 


Invetation on event No. 5: Raising eu identity awareness in 3rd age citizens«, which was published on ALOT web page.  

Publication on the Macedonian State Information Agency (MIA) and webportals IDIVIDI, lider, več and about event in Brescia. Articles were prepared by Association EGRI from FYROM. 

Video about International evening which took place within the DOCPIE event No. 4 Civil society open university. On that way project partners were exposed to each other's tradition to highlight the richness of cultural and linguistic environment in Europe. HERE you can find the video. 

Videos about Event No. 4: Civil society open university which was held in Ljubljana on 24/9/2015. On International conference in the framework of event “CIVIL SOCIETY OPEN UNIVERSITY” were presented the possibilities of democratic participation and searched the effective methods and ways to promote citizen involvement in decision-making processes at the level of the European Union. The other video is form guided tourist tour in Ljubljana. 


Article about local event was prepared by the Albaniana partner. They organized seminar about design and management of regional development concepts emphasizing visibility and public relations. 

October 2015
Dissemination of Brescia event in Bresciaoggi Newspaper, municipality of Brescia webpage and in UNIBUS portal.


Article about local event was prepared by the Albanian partner. The event title were Active citizenship and education of volunteering. 

Interview with the representative of the Albanian partner CRLDS dr. Luiza Hoxhaj, about project DOCPIE and the design and management of regional development concepts, which focused mainly on the visibility and Public Relations.
On this LINK you can see the interview. .

Pleasant article from Albanian partner about event No.4 Civil cosiety open university.

Announcement for local event "Design and management organized of regional development concepts emphasizing visibility and public relations" which was organized by Albanian partner. 

Discussion about the future of Europe: Refugees and we, which take place in Cultural center Litija. Guests of the evening were EU MEP Tanja Fajon, Falia Pašić Bišić, Uroš Škerl Kramberger, Katarina Štrukelj and Stela Šibanc, representatives of municipality of Litija and representatives of Karitas and Red Cross. On this LINK you can see the video of the duscussion. 


On web portal of Slovenain press agency - STA you can finde ARTICLE about international conference where were presented the possibilities of democratic participation and search for effective methods and ways to promote citizen involvement in decision-making processes at the level of the European Union. 

Polish partner published interesting articles about project DOCPIE activities on polish web portal

Article on gathering public opinion on polish partner official website.   


Announcement for local event which was organized by Albanian partner CRLDS. They prepare local activity with the theme "Active Citizenship and Education of Volunteering".

September 2015
Dissemination of Ljubljana event: press releases and articles about event in Ljubljana, which was published by Association LAZ in several Slovenian web portals. 



A nice articles about local event organized by the Municipality of Breznički hum from Croatia, on which Elderly people were invited. Speakers informed participants about project DOCPIE and active citizenship.






News release about the survey and the project DOCPIE on the Hungarian NCP’s website.


Nice articles about participation of Bulgarian partner in project DOCPIE.



Nice article about the local workshop and seminar that was organized by Municipality of Kistarcsa. 

Interview with representative of polish partner (Polish Robert Schuman Foundation) on Polish Radio channel 4, about Europe and Foundation latest project, it start from 40:40. HERE you can find the interview.  

JULY 2015 DISSEMINATION OF SERRES EVENT (Municipality of Serres, Club Unesco Serres)
In the Bulletin of international an European Affair & development planning of local goverment was published nice articcle about conference that happend during event in Serres. 

On link below you can find press release about event in Serres, project paertner meeting and welcome speach by that mayor of Serres.  
Press releases and articles about the event in Serres on several Greek portals.


News releases about the survey on official web site of hungarian partner. 

Everything that's going on about Project DOCPIE on official website of polish project partner (Polish Robert Schuman Foundation).


Seen an interesting interview that FROM regional TV K3 filmed with representative from Association EGRI from Kriva Palanka. Interviw tolks about project DOCPIE, activ citizenship and democratic participation. 
News about the survey on european identity, which was published on offical web sit of albanian partner. 

An interesting articles, which was published by croatioan partners from Breznički hum in major Croation web portals, tolking about how even small municipality town from Croatia can actively participates as a "creator" in european policy. 


Event invitation from greek partners, about DOCPIE event "Promotion of EU regions" that was published in Serres local newspaper.

Pleasant articles from macedonian partner about event entitled Volunteer acadamy that happend in Dresden Germany from 8 - 10 May 2015. 

Nice interview from Greek partner Club Serres for UNESCO about local event. HERE you can find the interview.  

The article from Association LAZ in Mladje magazine talk about volunteering as a form of active citizenship in which are starting to involve more and more young people (page 35).


Club Serres for UNESCO did some press releases on their official website about event Volunteer acadamy that happend in Dresden Germany.


Press releases that municipality of Serres published on various Greek web portals and newspapers about event Volunteer acadamy in Dresden Germany.

Interesting article from Association LAZ, published in Jablaniške news. Article tolks about content of the project DOCPIE, previous activities (Kick-off meeting, event in Dresden...), and project activities that will followed.
Announcement of event No. 2 Volunteer Academy Dresden in Dresdner newspaper and Dresdner web portal.



Announcement of event No. 2 Volunteer Academy Dresden in Sax magazin and Sax web portal.


Article about volunteering and Next step fair, that was published in german magazin Adrema. The article can be found on page 2. 
May 2015 
Press releases and announcements about event No. 2: Volunteer academy Dresden, which were published on several German web portals.

April 2014
Interesting article about Next step fair, which was published in Dresden International. The article can be found on page 13. 


Announcement of the Dresden event "Volunteere Academy Dresden" on official web site of Albanian partner. 

Announcement of the Dresden Event "Volunteer Academy Dresden" on MOVIT website, which will be held in Dresden Germany between 8-10 May 2015.

Municipality of Serres has published an article about Kick off meeting in Kistarcsa, Hungary. 

Article about project DOCPIE on official website of Albanian partner. 

Press release about project DOCPIE on official website of Kistarcsa municipality. A print version of this press release appeared also in the Kistarcsai Híradó (local monthly)- page #10

Nice Article from Association LAZ in local Newspaper, about project DOCPIE preparatory activities, project content and objectives. 

Presentation of Kick off meeting on the official website of macedonian parnter.