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Projekt: EU 2015 - Vključitev Jurjevanja 2015 pri spodbujanju duha EU državljanov, 1- 3. maj 2015, Romunija

Projekt: Szent Gyorgy Napok 2015 Az Europai Unios Polgari Reszvetel Elomozditasanak Jegyeben, Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania

Jurjevanje 2015 v Svetem Juriju v Romuniji . Program je na tej povezavi.

Projekt sofinancira program Evropa za državljane:
Sklop 2 – Demokratično delovanje in državljanska udeležba: cilj je spodbujati demokratično in civilno udeležbo državljanov na ravni Unije.
Ukrep: Pobratenje mest

The project main theme is promoting the European union civil participation within the Saint george Days 2015.Lead partner, Minicipality of Sfantu Gheorghe is planning to arrange a platform to exchange experiences with 10 partner cities from 6 countries, who have similar experiences in the field of urban development. This opportunity could be a great chance for demonstrating good experiences and to give guide lines for future projects.  Furhermore the visit of the cultural programmes givies the opprtunity to raise awareness of European values ​​such as pluralism, solidarity, mutual understanding, tolerance and also to mutual understanding between cultures.


1. The community-forming function of urban spaces

The urban spaces originally were created to be a meeting point, the location of community celebration, the forum of keeping traditions alive, a communcitaion space between the residents. Nowadays sadly has lost its communitybuilding function, it has become a transitplace and it has emptied.

The aim is to present positive examples, which by infrastructural developments, rehabilitation programs or cultural, community projects  give meaning to these spaces by getting the residents to use it and to function as a community cohesion force.

 2. The city and identity

A part of our identity is the city we live in. The image of a city has an influence on the residents behaviour, so it makes difference whether the image reflects signs of care or disrepair. In the relation of the resident and his city plays an important role the past, present and future as well, so it is an important issue that the local government, conductors how much attention pay to the fact that residents shold know the past of their city/town. The aim of the discussion is to present positive examples regarding the development and reinforcement the organic relationship between the city and its residents.

3.A liveable city through culture

The culture has always had an important role to create and intermediate values and and also had an communitybuilding function.Culture makes possible to get to know ourselves and and other people better. The aim of the discussion is to present positive examples, in which culture plays an important role in the creation of a liveable city.

Na dogodku je predsednica društva Gabrijela (Jelka) Babič  predstavila naše iskušnje na temo: Funkcija skupnosti pri oblikovanju urbanih prostorov.